一、基本信息 |
吴光荣,法学博士(清华大学民商法学专业),现任5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载教授。2003年8月起到最高人民法院国家法官学院工作,其间:2008年1月至2009年1月在德国从事“法学方法论与民法现代化”的研究工作;2009年6月至2015年6月,任最高人民法院民四庭法官,从事涉外商事审判工作,承办或参与审理多起重大疑难案件,并参与了有关外商投资企业、海上货运代理、独立保函等司法解释的制定工作以及有关买卖合同、物权法、公司法等司法解释的论证工作;2015年12月获评教授,先后参与了《民法总则》制定与《民法典》编纂的相关工作;2020年6月至2023年10月,在最高人民法院民二庭从事相关司法解释的清理工作和制定工作,是《民法典担保制度司法解释》和《民法典合同编司法解释》等多部重要司法解释的主要起草人和执笔人,参与了《全国法院金融审判工作会议纪要(草案)》等司法政策性文件的论证工作,也是最高人民法院关于企业破产法修订案起草工作小组和公司法修订审判实务研究小组的主要成员。 |
二、主讲课程 |
民法总则、物权法、合同法、担保法、公司法、破产法 |
三、研究方向 |
民商法学、法学方法、民事证据 |
四、学术兼职 |
中国法学会审判理论研究会理事,中国法学会商法学研究会理事,北京市物权法研究会常务理事,兼任中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心研究员、清华大学民法研究中心研究员 |
五、主要学术成果 |
(一)代表性著作 1、《担保法精讲:体系解说与实务解答》(独著),中国民主法制出版社2023年1月版,50万字。 2、《物权法精讲:体系解说与实务解答》(独著),中国民主法制出版社2023年6月版,55万字。 (二)代表性编著 1、最高人民法院民事审判第二庭编著:《最高人民法院民法典担保制度司法解释理解与适用》,人民法院出版社2021年版(本人撰写约20万字)。 2、最高人民法院民事审判第四庭编著:《最高人民法院关于审理外商投资企业纠纷案件若干问题的规定(一):条文理解与适用》,中国法制出版社2011年版(本人撰写约5万字)。 (三)代表性论文 近三年发表的代表性论文: 1.《论外观主义在民商事审判中的运用》,载《法学家》2023年第3期 2.《也谈借名购房的物权归属与合同效力》,载《法治研究》2022年第6期。 3.《<民法典>背景下破产财产的范围及其认定》,载《法律适用》2022年第1期。 4.《民法典对担保制度的新发展及其适用》,载《法治研究》2021年第4期。 5.《共同担保人之间的追偿问题》,载《法律适用》2021年第3期。 6.《与破产法有关的几个担保问题》,载《法律适用》2021年第9期(与郁林合作)。 7.《民法典担保制度司法解释重点条文解读》,载《人民司法》2021年第3期(与林文学、杨永清、麻锦亮合作)。 8.《关于合同效力的几个问题》,载《中国应用法学》2021年第6期(与刘贵祥合作)。 此前发表的代表性论文(按重要性排序): 1、《不动产登记与政府职能转变》,载中国法学会编:《全面深化改革与法治——第九届中国法学家论坛征文获奖论文集》,法律出版社2015年版(本文获第九届中国法学家论坛征文评比一等奖)。 2、《征收制度在我国的异化与回归》,载《法学研究》2011年第3期。 3、《行政审批对合同效力的影响:理论与实践》,载《法学家》2013年第1期。 4、《再谈无权处分行为的效力——兼论法释[2012]8号第3条的理论基础》,载《法学家》2015年第3期。 5、《论无权处分的适用范围》,载《中外法学》2005年第3期。 6、《论不动产登记簿的形式拘束力》,载《清华法学》2009年第5期。 7、《违反让与禁止的法律后果——兼论<房地产管理法>第38条与<担保法>第37条的规范性质》,载《法律科学》2014年第5期。 8、《论善意取得制度的适用范围——兼评<中华人民共和国物权法(草案)>相关规定》,载《法律科学》2006年第4期。 9、《论未经抵押权人同意之抵押物转让的效力》(与刘贵祥合作,本人为第二作者),载《比较法研究》2013年第5期(该文被人大复印资料全文转载)。 10、《论行政争议与民事争议相互交织的解决路径——评<行政诉讼法修正案(草案)>第63条第1款》,载《政治与法律》2014年第5期。 11、《实践感悟:再谈作为科学的法学》,载《法律适用》2016年第7期(该文被人大复印报刊资料《法理学、法史学(复印报刊资料)》2016年第10期全文转载)。 12、《不动产权属确认的程序选择——以不动产登记之法律性质为中心》,载姜明安主编:《行政法论丛(第14卷)》,法律出版社2012年。 13、《论抵押物转让的效力——物权法第191条的理解与适用》,载《判解研究》(第59期),人民法院出版社2012年版。 14、《更正登记制度的实体价值与程序意义》,载《法律适用》2017年第21期。 15、《也谈依法律文书发生的物权变动——兼评<物权法司法解释一>第7条》,载《法律适用》2016年第5期。 16、《消费者团体提起公益诉讼基本问题研究》(与赵刚合作,本人为第一作者),载《法律适用》2015年第5期。 17、《不动产登记与不动产权属确认的实体与程序问题研究》,载《法律适用》2014年第10期。 18、《规范冲突与规范选择:后物权法时代的担保法律制度及其适用》,载《法律适用》2014年第8期。 19、《中国法语境下的合同效力:理论与实践》(与崔建远合作,本人为第二作者),载《法律适用》2012年第7期。 20、《留德随想:也谈作为科学的法学》,载《法律适用》2009年第7期。 21、《我国合同法上解除权的行使规则》(与崔建远合作,本人为第二作者),载《法律适用》2009年第11期。 |
Ⅰ.Basic Information |
Doctor of Law (majoring in Civil and Commercial Law at Tsinghua University), Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology. Started working at the National Judges College in 2003 and worked in Germany from January 2008 to January 2009 on research on "Legal Methodology and Modernization of Civil Law"; from June 2009 to June 2015, served as a judge at the Fourth Civil Division of the Supreme People's Court, engaged in foreign-related commercial trials, handled or participated in the trial of multiple major and difficult cases, and participated in the formulation of judicial interpretations related to foreign-invested enterprises, maritime freight forwarders, independent letter of guarantee, and the argumentation of judicial interpretations related to sales contracts, property laws, and company laws; In December 2015, appointed as a professor and participated in the formulation of the General Principles of Civil Law and the compilation of the Civil Code; After the adoption of the Civil Code, engaged in the clearing and formulation of relevant judicial interpretations at the Civil Second Division of the Supreme People's Court, the main drafter and author of several important judicial interpretations, including the Judicial Interpretation of the Guarantee System of the Civil Code and the Judicial Interpretation of the Contract Compilation of the Civil Code. Also a major member of the Drafting Working Group on the Revision of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law and the Trial Practice Research Group on the Revision of the Company Law of the Supreme People's Court. |
Ⅱ.Teaching Course |
General Principles of Civil Law, Property Law, Contract Law, Guarantee Law, Company Law, Bankruptcy Law |
Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise |
Civil and Commercial Law, Legal Methods, Civil Evidence |
Ⅳ.Academic Part-time title |
Director of the Judicial Theory Research Association of the China Law Society, Director of the Commercial Law Research Association of the China Law Society, Executive Director of the Beijing Property Law Research Association, and concurrently a researcher at the Civil and Commercial Law Science Research Center of Renmin University of China and the Civil Law Research Center of Tsinghua University |
Ⅴ.Main Publications and Research Projects |
(1) Monograph 1. Introduction to Guarantee Law: System Explanation and Practical Answers "(single authored), China Democratic and Legal Publishing House, January 2023 edition, 500000 words. 2. Introduction to Property Law: Systematic Explanation and Practical Answers "(single author), China Democratic and Legal Publishing House, June 2023 edition, 550000 words. 3. Property Litigation: Principles and Practice "(solo), People's Court Press, 2009 edition, 500000 words. (2) Compilation 1. Compiled by the Second Division of the Civil Trial of the Supreme People's Court: "Understanding and Application of Judicial Interpretation of the Guarantee System of the Civil Code of the Supreme People's Court", People's Court Press, 2021 edition (written by myself, approximately 200000 words). 2. Compiled by the Fourth Division of the Civil Trial of the Supreme People's Court: "Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Disputes over Foreign-invested Enterprises (1): Understanding and Application of the Provisions", China Legal Publishing House, 2011 edition (written by myself, approximately 50000 words). (3) Thesis Papers published in the past three years: 1. On the Application of Externalism in Civil and Commercial Trials, published in Jurist, Issue 3, 2023 2. On the Ownership of Property Rights and Contract Effectiveness of Borrowing a Name to Purchase a House ", published in the 6th issue of" Research on the Rule of Law "in 2022. 3. The Scope and Determination of Bankruptcy Property under the Background of the Civil Code, published in the first issue of the Law Application in 2022. 4. The New Development and Application of the Civil Code to the Guarantee System ", published in the 4th issue of" Research on the Rule of Law "in 2021. 5. The issue of recovery between joint guarantors, published in the third issue of Law Application, 2021. 6. Several Guarantee Issues Related to Bankruptcy Law ", published in the 9th issue of" Application of Law "in 2021 (in cooperation with Yulin). 7. Interpretation of Key Provisions in the Judicial Interpretation of the Guarantee System of the Civil Code, published in the third issue of the People's Justice in 2021 (in collaboration with Lin Wenwen, Yang Yongqing, and Ma Jinliang). 8. Several Issues on Contract Effectiveness ", published in the 6th issue of China Applied Law in 2021 (in collaboration with Liu Guixiang). Previously published papers (sorted by importance): 1. Real Estate Registration and Government Function Transformation ", published by the China Law Society in" Comprehensive Deepening of Reform and Rule of Law - Collection of Winning Papers from the 9th China Jurists Forum ", published by Law Press in 2015 (this article won the first prize in the 9th China Jurists Forum essay competition). 2. The Alienation and Return of Expropriation System in China, published in Law Research, Issue 3, 2011. 3. The Impact of Administrative Approval on Contract Effectiveness: Theory and Practice ", published in The Jurist, 2013, Issue 1. 4. Further Discussion on the Effectiveness of Unauthorized Disposition - Also on the Theoretical Basis of Article 3 of Fa Shi [2012] No. 8 ", published in the 3rd issue of" Jurist "in 2015. 5. On the Scope of Application of Unauthorized Disposition, published in Chinese and Foreign Law Journal, Issue 3, 2005. 6. On the Formal Binding Power of Real Estate Registers, published in Tsinghua Law Journal, 2009, Issue 5. 7. The Legal Consequences of Violating the Prohibition of Assignment - Concurrently Discussing the Normative Nature of Article 38 of the Real Estate Management Law and Article 37 of the Guarantee Law, published in Legal Science, 2014, Issue 5. 8. On the Scope of Application of the Goodwill Acquisition System - Also Commenting on the Relevant Provisions of the Property Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft), published in Legal Science, 2006, Issue 4. 9. On the Effectiveness of Transfer of Mortgaged Property Without the Consent of the Mortgagee "(co authored with Liu Guixiang, myself the second author), published in Comparative Law Research, 2013, Issue 5 (this article was reprinted in full by the National People's Congress of China). 10. On the Interwoven Resolution Path of Administrative Disputes and Civil Disputes - Review of Article 63 (1) of the Amendment to the Administrative Litigation Law (Draft), published in Politics and Law, Issue 5, 2014. 11. Practical Perception: Further Discussion on Law as a Science ", published in the 7th issue of" Application of Law "in 2016 (this article was reprinted in full by the People's Congress of China in the 10th issue of the newspaper material" Jurisprudence and History of Law (Copying Newspaper Materials) "in 2016). 12. The Selection of Procedures for Confirming the Ownership of Real Estate - Centered on the Legal Nature of Real Estate Registration ", published in Jiang Ming'an's" Administrative Law Series (Volume 14) ", Law Press, 2012. 13. On the Effectiveness of Transfer of Mortgaged Property - Understanding and Application of Article 191 of the Property Law ", published in" Interpretation Research "(Issue 59), People's Court Press, 2012 edition. 14. The Substantial Value and Procedural Significance of Correcting the Registration System ", published in the 21st issue of" Application of Law "in 2017. 15. On the Changes in Property Rights Occurred by Legal Documents - Also Commenting on Article 7 of the Judicial Interpretation of the Property Law, published in Law Application, 2016, Issue 5. 16. Research on Basic Issues of Public Interest Litigation by Consumer Groups (Collaborating with Zhao Gang, I am the first author), published in Law Application, 2015, Issue 5. 17. Research on the Entity and Procedural Issues of Real Estate Registration and Confirmation of Real Estate Ownership, published in Law Application, 2014, Issue 10. 18. Conflict of Norms and Choice of Norms: Security Legal System and Its Application in the Post Property Law Era, published in Law Application, 2014, Issue 8. 19. Contract Effectiveness in the Context of Chinese Law: Theory and Practice "(co authored with Cui Jianyuan, myself the second author), published in the 7th issue of" Application of Law "in 2012. 20. Random Thoughts on Studying in Germany: Also on Law as a Science ", published in the 7th issue of" Application of Law "in 2009. 21. "Rules for the Exercise of Termination Rights in Contract Law of China" (in collaboration with Cui Jianyuan, I am the second author), published in the 11th issue of "Application of Law" in 2009. |