一、基本信息 |
孟强,男,1981年生,湖北保康人,5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载院聘教授,民法典研究中心主任,法学博士,硕士生导师,出版《信托登记论》《民法典侵权责任编释论》《民法疑难问题研究》等专著,在核心期刊发表论文二十余篇,副主编《民法原理与实务》(上、下册),参编教育部马克思主义理论研究和建设工程重点教材《民法学》、司法部《国家统一法律职业资格考试辅导用书·民法》等教材,承担国家社科基金等科研项目近十项,获中国法学会第四届“中国法学优秀成果奖”专著类二等奖。邮箱:mq2010@bit.edu.cn。 |
二、主讲课程 |
民法总论、物权法、人格权法、物权法专题研究、民法学专题 |
三、研究方向 |
研究方向为民商法学,尤其侧重于民法基础理论、物权法、人格权法、侵权法、信托法、公司法等领域。 |
四、学术兼职 |
中国法学会民法学研究会理事、副秘书长; 中国法学会民法典编纂项目领导小组秘书处成员; 中国法学会民法典分则编纂课题组成员; 全国“八五”普法民法典讲师团成员; 全国电子商务教育与发展联盟(“50”人论坛)专家委员; 北京社会治理法治研究会副会长; 北京市食品药品安全法治研究会常务理事兼学术委员会委员; 教育部高校人文社会科学重点研究基地中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心研究人员; 中国政法大学司法改革研究中心研究员; 《5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载学报》(社会科学版)第四届编委会委员、法学领域编辑; 天津、广州仲裁委员会仲裁员。 |
五、主要学术成果 |
(一)著作 1.《信托登记论》,独著,中国法制出版社2021年1月版; 2.《民法典侵权责任编释论:条文缕析、法条关联与案例评议》,独著,中国法制出版社2020年9月版; 3.《民法疑难问题研究》,独著,法律出版社2018年12月版; 4.《信托登记制度研究》,独著,中国人民大学出版社2012年4月版; 5.《医疗损害责任》,独著,法律出版社2010年4月版; 6.《民法原理与实务》•上册,副主编,国家开放大学出版社2021年11月版; 7.《民法原理与实务》·下册,副主编,国家开放大学出版社2021年11月版; 8.《商法教学法条》(21世纪系列法学教材配套辅导用书),编著,中国人民大学出版社2014年2月版; 9.《民法学》(马克思主义理论研究和建设工程重点教材),参编,高等教育出版社2019年1月版; 10.《国家统一法律职业资格考试辅导用书·民法》,参编,法律出版社2022年5月版; 11.《民法典学习问答》,参编,人民出版社2020年11月版; 12.《中华人民共和国民法总则条文释义》,参编,人民法院出版社2017年4月版; 13.《中华人民共和国民法总则详解》(上、下册),参编,中国法制出版社2017年5月版; 14.《民法学》(第二版),参编,法律出版社2016年1月版; 15.《民法案例教程》,参编,法律出版社2012年7月版; 16.《商法学》,参编,法律出版社2010年2月版; 17.《中华人民共和国侵权责任法释义》,参编,中国法制出版社2010年1月版; 18.《北理法学》第4辑、第6辑,执行主编,法律出版社2015年4月、2017年6月版。 (二)论文 1.“善意取得抑或赃款追缴——赃款直播打赏民刑交叉问题的实证研究”,合著,《5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载学报》(社会科学版)2022年第2期; 2.“法典化时代的民法教学变革——兼论教义民法学的运用”,独著,《中国大学教学》2021年第3期; 3.“公平责任原则的终结——《民法典》第1186条的解释论”,独著,《广东社会科学》 2021年第1期; 4.“中国民法典:以创新之举屹立世界民法之林”,独著,《检察日报》2021年8月13日; 5.“论涉外产品召回的损害赔偿”,独著,《法律适用》2020年第10期; 6.“像律师一样思考民法典”,独著,《中国律师》2020年第9期; 7.“一流学科建设背景下民法学与公法学科的交叉融合”,独著,《中国大学教学》2019年第11期; 8.“《民法典物权编》应允许流质流抵”,独著,《当代法学》2018年第4期,中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料《民商法学》2018年第10期全文转载; 9.“民法总则中习惯法源的概念厘清与适用原则”,独著,《广东社会科学》2018年第1期,中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料《民商法学》2018年第5期全文转载; 10.“民法典物权编中的物权种类”,独著,《中国社会科学报》2018年6月20日; 11.“《民法总则》中的成年监护制度”,独著,《中国人民大学学报》2017年第4期,《新华文摘》2018年第1期进行论点摘编; 12.“经由编纂民法典实现民商合一——兼评《民法总则专家建议稿》与《商事通则立法建议稿》”,独著,《社会科学战线》2015年第12期; 13.“论不动产登记机构登记错误的赔偿责任——兼评《不动产登记暂行条例(征求意见稿)》相关规定,独著,《政治与法律》2014年第12期; 14.“法学视角下的浦东综改:经验、困局及其破解”,独著,《法学》2014年第8期; 15.“论患者知情同意权”,独著,《中国地质大学学报》(社会科学版)2013年第2期; 16.“信托财产的公示问题”,独著,《广东社会科学》2013年第2期; 17.“论作为一般人格权的名誉权——从司法案例的视角”,独著,《暨南学报》(哲学社会科学版)2012年第4期,中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料《民商法学》2012年第9期全文转载; 18.“雨涝灾害中的民法问题”,独著,《光明日报》2012年8月2日; 19.“论我国《侵权责任法》上的患者隐私权”,独著,《广东社会科学》2011年第1期; 20.“物权法占有制度与侵占罪的认定”,独著,《法学》2011年第10期; 21.“诚信是法治的市场经济基石”,独著,《人民法院报》2011年7月31日; 22. Several Thorny Issues in Judicial Application of Right of Reputation, China Legal Science,no.2,2011; 23.“从侵权责任法到民法典”,独著,《光明日报》2010年7月15日; 24.“论业主大会的诉讼主体资格”,独著,《政治与法律》2009年第8期; 25.“论建筑物区分所有中管理规约的效力范围”,独著,《法学论坛》2009年第6期; 26.“论医疗侵权损害赔偿双轨制的统一”,独著,《法学杂志》2009年第6期; 27.“我国股权质押登记机关的演化及辨析--对《工商行政管理机关股权出质登记办法》相关规定的分析”,独著,《暨南学报》(哲学社会科学版),2009年第1期; 28.“论我国《物权法》上的商事留置权”,独著,《政治与法律》,2008年第10期; 29.“赈灾捐赠与公司社会责任”,独著,《中州学刊》2008年第5期; 30.“抗震救灾:法律人的反思与期望--‘抗震救灾中的诸种法律问题’研讨会综述”,独著,《判解研究》,2008年第3辑; 31.“论《物权法》中相邻关系规范的性质”,独著,《社会科学研究》2008年第3期; 32.“物权法:从纸面到实践”,独著,《光明日报》,2008年7月15日; 33.“单船公司破产债权受偿顺序问题研究”,独著,《法学》2008年第2期,中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料《民商法学》2008年第6期全文转载。 |
Ⅰ.Basic Information |
Meng Qiang, Professor, school of law, Beijing Institute of Technology, director of the Civil Code Research Center, Doctor Juris, master's supervisor, published "Trust Registration Theory" " compilation and interpretation of tort liability in the civil code" "Research on Difficult Issues in Civil Law" and other monographs, published more than 20 papers in core journals, deputy editor of "Principles and Practices of Civil Law" (Volumes I and II), and participated in the compilation of the Ministry of Education's key textbook of Marxist theoretical research and construction projects "Civil Law" ”, the Ministry of Justice’s “National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination Guidance Book • Civil Law” and other textbooks, undertook nearly ten scientific research projects such as the National Social Science Fund, and won the second prize in the monograph category of the 4th “Outstanding Achievements in Chinese Legal Studies” by the China Law Society. |
Ⅱ.Teaching Course |
General Introduction to Civil Law, Property Law, Personality Law, Special Research on Property Law, Special Topics in Civil Law. |
Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise |
Research on civil and commercial law, especially focusing on the basic theory of civil law, property law, personality right law, tort law, trust law, company law and other related fields. |
Ⅳ.Academic Part-time title |
Director and Deputy Secretary General of the Civil Law Research Association of China Law Society; Member of the Secretariat of the Leading Group of the Civil Code Compilation Project of the China Law Society; Member of the research group for the compilation of the Civil Code of China Law Society; Member of the National " Eighth Five Year Plan " Civil Code Lecturer Group; Expert member of the National E-Commerce Education and Development Alliance ("50" Forum); Vice President of Beijing Social Governance and Rule of Law Research Association; Executive Director and Member of the Academic Committee of Beijing Food and Drug Safety Legal Research Association; Researcher of the Civil and Commercial Legal Science Research Center of Renmin University of China, the key research base of humanities and social sciences in colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education; Researcher of the Judicial Reform Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law; Member of the Fourth Editorial Board of Journal of Beijing University of Technology(Social Science Edition) and editor in the field of law; Arbitrator of Tianjin and Guangzhou Arbitration Commission. |
Ⅴ.Main Publications and Research Projects |
BOOKS: 1. On Trust Registration, China Legal Publishing House(January 2021); 2.Compilation and Interpretation of Tort Liability in the Chinese Civil Code: Detailed Article Analysis, Legal Article Relevance and Case Review, China Legal Publishing House (September 2020); 3. Research on Difficult Issues of Civil Law, Law Press (December 2018); 4. Research on Trust Registration Institution, China Renmin University Press (April 2012); 5. Medical Damage Liability:Controversies & Cases, Law Press (April 2010); 6. Principles and Practice of Civil Law, Volume 1, Associate Editor, National Open University Press(November 2021); 7. "Principles and Practices of Civil Law" Volume II, Associate Editor, National Open University Press(November 2021); 8. "Core Rules for Commercial Law Teaching" (21st Century Series of Law Textbooks Supporting Guidance Books), editor, China Renmin University Press(February 2014); 9. "Civil Law" (a key textbook for Marxist theoretical research and construction engineering), co- editor, Higher Education Press(January 2019); 10."National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination Guidance Book • Civil Law", co-editor, Law Press(May 2022 edition); 11."Civil Code Learning Questions and Answers", edited by People's Publishing House, November 2020; 12.Interpretation of the General Provisions of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, co-editor, People's Court Press(April 2017); 13.Detailed explanation of the General Principles of Civil Law of the People's Republic of China (Volume I and Volume II), co-editor, China Legal Publishing House(May 2017); 14. "Civil Law" (Second Edition), co-editor, Law Press(January 2016); 15."Civil Law Case Course", co-editor, Law Press (July 2012); 16. "Commercial Law", co-editor, Law Press(February 2010); 17. Interpretation of the Tort Liability Law of the People's Republic of China, co-editor China Legal Publishing House(January 2010); 18. The 4th and 6th series of BIT Jurisprudence, executive editor, Law Press(April 2015&June 2017). PAPERS: 1. "Acquisition in good faith or recovery of illicit money: An empirical study on the cross issue of civil and criminal rewards of live broadcast of illicit money", co-author, "Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology" (Social Science Edition), No. 2, 2022; 2. "Civil Law Teaching Reform in the Era of Codification—Also on the Application of Doctrine of Civil Law", "China University Teaching", No. 3, 2021; 3. "The End of the Principle of Fair Responsibility: The Interpretation of Article 1186 of the Civil Code", "Guangdong Social Sciences", No. 1, 2021; 4. "Chinese Civil Code: Standing in the Forest of Civil Laws in the World with Innovation ", "Procuratorial Daily", August 13, 2021; 5. "On the Damages Compensation for the Recall of Foreign-related Products", " Application of Law ", No. 10, 2020; 6. "Thinking about the Civil Code like a lawyer", "Chinese Lawyers", No. 9, 2020; 7. " The Intersection and Integration of Civil Law and Public Law under the Background of First-Class Discipline Construction", "China University Teaching", No. 11, 2019; 8. " The real right series of the civil code should allow the flow of liquids", "Contemporary Law", No. 4, 2018, reprinted in full by “civil and commercial law” of the book and newspaper information center of Renmin University of China, No. 10, 2018; 9. " Principles for clarifying and applying the concept of the source of customary law in the general provisions of civil law", "Guangdong Social Sciences", No. 1, 2018, reprinted in full by“civil and commercial law”of the book and newspaper information center of Renmin University of China, No. 5, 2018; 10. " Types of Property Rights in the Property Law book of the Civil Code", " China Social Science Daily "June 20, 2018; 11. "Adult guardianship system in the General Provisions of Civil Law", "Journal of Renmin University of China" No. 4, 2017, "Xinhua Digest" 2018 No. 1; 12. " Realizing the Integration of Civil and Commercial Affairs through the Compilation of the Civil Code: A Commentary on the "Expert Suggestions on the General Provisions of Civil Law" and the "Legislative Suggestions on the General Provisions of Commercial Law ", "Social Science Front", No. 12, 2015; 13. "On the liability of compensation for the registration errors of real estate registration institutions - also commenting on the relevant provisions of the Interim Regulations on Real Estate Registration (Draft for Comment)", "Politics and Law", No. 12, 2014; 14. "Pudong Comprehensive Reform from the Perspective of Law: Experience, Dilemma and Solutions", "Law Science", No. 8, 2014; 15. "On the Patient's Right of Informed Consent", "Journal of China University of Geosciences" (Social Science Edition), No. 2, 2013; 16. "Problems of Publicity of Trust Property", "Guangdong Social Sciences", No. 2, 2013; 17. "On the Right of Reputation as a General Personality Right: From the Perspective of Judicial Cases", "Jinan Journal" (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), No. 4, 2012, reprinted in full by “civil and commercial law” of the book and newspaper information center of Renmin University of China, No. 9, 2012; 18. "Civil Law Issues in Rain Disasters", "Guangming Daily", August 2, 2012; 19. "On Patients' Right to Privacy in China's Tort Liability Law", "Guangdong Social Sciences", No. 1, 2011; 20. "The Possession System of Property Law and the Identification of Embezzlement", “Law Science”, No. 10, 2011; 21. "Integrity is the cornerstone of the market economy under the rule of law", "People's Court Daily", July 31, 2011; 22. "Several Thorny Issues in Judicial Application of Right of Reputation", "China Legal Science", no.2, 2011; 23. "From Tort Liability Law to Civil Code"," Guangming Daily", July 15, 2010; 24. "On the Litigation Subject Qualification of the Owners' Assembly ", "Politics and Law", No. 8, 2009; 25. "On the Scope of Effectiveness of the Management Regulations in Condominium Ownership ", "Law Forum", No. 6, 2009; 26. "On the Unification of the Dual-track System of Compensation for Medical Tort Damages", "Journal of Law", No. 6, 2009; 27. "Evolution and Analysis of China's Equity Pledge Registration Authority--Analysis of the Relevant Regulations of the "Measures for the Registration of Equity Pledge by the Administration for Industry and Commerce Administration ", “Jinan Journal” (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2009, No. 1; 28. "On Commercial Liens in China's Property Law", "Politics and Law", No. 10, 2008; 29. "Donations for Disaster Relief and Corporate Social Responsibility", "Zhongzhou Academic Journal", No. 5, 2008; 30. "Earthquake Relief: Reflections and Expectations of Legal People --A Summary of the Seminar on "Various Legal Issues in Earthquake Relief", "Research on Judgment", Vol.3, 2008; 31. "On the Nature of Adjacent Relationship Norms in the Property Law", "Social Science Research", No. 3, 2008; 32. "Property Law: From Paper to Practice", "Guangming Daily, " July 15, 2008; 33. "Research on the Sequence of Repayment of Creditor's Rights in Bankruptcy of Single Ship Company", " Law Science ", No. 2, 2008, reprinted in full by “civil and commercial law” of the book and newspaper information center of Renmin University of China, No. 6, 2008; |