一、基本信息 |
齐延平,法学博士,牛津大学访问学者(2003.6-2004.6)。5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载法学讲席教授、博导,中国政法大学兼职博导、山东大学兼职特聘教授。2010年,被聘为二级教授,入选教育部跨世纪优秀人才;2012年起,享受国务院政府特贴;2014年,入选第七届全国十大杰出青年法学家;2019年入选文化名家既“四个一批”人才;2020年入选国家级领军人才。5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载校务委员会委员。工信部智科风险法律防控重点实验室主任、国家人权基地·5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载科技与人权研究中心主任。国家社科基金重大公关项目首席专家。 |
二、主讲课程 |
宪法与行政法学、法理学、人工智能法学 |
三、研究方向 |
研究生招生方向:宪法学与行政法学。目前承担国家社科基金重点、重大项目及北京市社科重大项目各一项,未来五年聚焦互联网平台的社会影响及法律治理研究。博士及博后仅招收拟从事教学科研工作且能全职攻读者。 |
四、学术兼职 |
教育部法学类教学指导委员会委员(2013-2018) 国家社科基金法学评审组专家 中国法学会常务理事 中国法理学研究会副会长兼秘书长 中国人权研究会常务理事、海峡两岸关系法学研究会常务理事 最高人民法院特邀执行咨询专家 文化部文化法制专家委员会副主任 人大报刊复印资料《法理·法史卷》学术委员会委员 教育部人文社科重点研究基地·吉大理论法学研究中心学术委员会委员 华东政法大学数字法治研究院特邀研究员 |
五、主要学术成果 |
(一)著作 1.《基本权利保护的中国探索》,法律出版社2020年3月版; 2.《生物科技、医学与法律》(主编),中国政法大学2018年版; 3.《当代中国的法制转型》(主编),山东大学出版社2016年版; 4.《人权观念的演进》(编著),山东大学出版社2015年版; 5.《人权知识法官读本》(主编),湖南大学出版社2012年版; 6.《人权法原理》(副主编),中国政法大学出版社2008年版; 7.《自由大宪章研究》(专著),中国政法大学出版社2007年版; 8.《社会弱势群体权利保护法理》(主编),山东人民出版社2005年版; 9.《法治社会之形成与发展》(执行主编),山东人民出版社2003年版; 10.《人权与法治》(专著),山东人民出版社2002年版。 (二)论文 1.数智化社会的法律调控,《中国法学》2022.01; 2.论数据权益定价规则,《华东政法大学学报》2022.05 3.社会系统论下区块链应用的法律规制,《5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载学报》2020.09; 4.算法社会言论自由保护中的国家角色,《华东政法大学学报》2019.11; 5.“个人本位”与“类本位”张力中的人权观,《政法论坛》2018年06期; 6.“人的尊严”是《世界人权宣言》的基础规范,《现代法学》2018年05期; 7. 走向新时代中国法理学之回眸与前瞻,《法学》2018年06期; 8. 论人工智能时代法律场景的变迁,《法律科学》2018年04期; 9. 论中国人权文化的正当性根基,《法制与社会发展》2018年02期; 10. 论基本权利的价值多重性,《法学论坛》2018年02期; 11. 论美国的实质性正当法律程序,《法学论坛》2013年06期; 12 论古希腊哲学中人权基质的孕育,《文史哲》2010年03期; 13. 中国人权法学学术自主性的探寻,《法制与社会发展》2010年05期; 14. 中国人权法学的学科独立性初探,《山东大学学报》2009年03期; 15. 法治30年的回顾、反思与展望,《法学论坛》2008年06期; 16. 转型期中国法理学的多维面向,《中国法学》2008年02期; 17. 法制现代化:一个西方的“幽灵”?《政法论坛》2007年02期; 18. 法理学的中国性、问题性与实践性,《中国法学》2007年01期; 19. 和谐人权:中国精神与人权文化的互济,《法学家》2007年02期; 20. 人权精神的危机与拯救,《法律科学》2006年06期; 21. 中国制度传统的知识与生活基础.《政法论坛》2005年06期; 22. 论西塞罗理性主义自然法思想,《法学论坛》2005年01期; 23. 国家的人权保障责任与国家人权机构的建立,《法制与社会发展》2005年03期; 24. 论中国人权精神的建设,《文史哲》2005年03期。 |
Ⅰ.Profile |
Yanping QI, Doctor of judicial science Doctoral Supervisor Professor with Law School, Beijing Institute of Technology Adjunct Professor with China University of Political Science and Law Adjunct Professor with Shandong University |
Ⅱ.Teaching Course |
Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law |
Ⅲ. Research Focus |
Legal philosophy Fundamental rights in Constitution Jurisprudence of big data and artificial intelligence |
Ⅳ. Academic Part-time title |
Member of the Steering Committee for Judicial Science Teaching, Ministry of Education (2013-2018) Expert of Law Review Group, National Social Science Fund of China Executive Member of the Council, China Law Society; Executive Member of the Council, China Society for Human Rights Studies; Vice President and Secretary General, China Society of Jurisprudence; Executive consultant specially invited, Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China; Deputy Director of the Cultural and Legal Expert Committee, Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China (now the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China). Member of the Academic Committee, Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC; Member of the Academic Committee, Research Center for Legal Theories of Jilin University (Key Research Center of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China) |
Ⅴ. Major academic achievements |
1.Monographs 1)Yanping Qi (Chief editor): Biotechnology, Medicine and Law, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2018. 2)Yanping Qi (Chief editor): Contemporary China's Legal System Transformation, Shandong University Press, 2016. 3)Yanping Qi (editor): Evolution of the Concept of Human Rights, Shandong University Press, 2015. 4)Yanping Qi (Chief editor.): Instructional Book for Judges’ Human rights Knowledge, Hunan University Press, 2012. 5)Yanping Qi (Ass. editor): Doctrines of Human Rights Law, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2008. 6)Yanping Qi: Research on Magna Carta, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2007. 7)Yanping Qi (Chief editor.): Jurisprudence of Protection of Social Vulnerable Groups, Shandong People's Publishing House, 2005. 8)Yanping Qi (Executive Editor): The Formation and Development of a Society with Rule of Law, Shandong People's Publishing House, 2003. 9)Yanping Qi: Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Shandong People's Publishing House, 2002. 2.Papers 1)Yanping Qi: “The Idea of Human Rights in the Tension between ‘Individual Orientation’ and ‘Gattungswesen Orientation’, in Tribune of Political Science and Law, 2018, Issue 6. 2)Yanping Qi: “Human Dignity is the Basic Norm in Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, in Modern Law Science, 2018, Issue 5. 3)Yanping Qi: “China's Jurisprudence towards the New Era: Retrospect and Prospect”, Law Science, 2018, Issue 6. 4)Yanping Qi: “On the Changes of Legal Scenes in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, in Science of Law (Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law), 2018, Issue 4. 5)Yanping Qi: “On the Legitimate Foundation of Chinese Human Rights Culture”, in Law and Social Development, 2018, Issue 2. 6)Yanping Qi: “On the Multiplicity of Values of Fundamental Rights”, in Legal Forum, 2018, Issue 2. 7)Yanping Qi: “On the Substantive Due Process of Law in the United States”, in Legal Forum, 2013, Issue 6. 8)Yanping Qi: “On the birth of human rights matrix in ancient Greek philosophy”, in Literature, History, and Philosophy, 2010, Issue 3. 9)Yanping Qi: “Human Rights Law as An Autonomous Discipline in China: A Primary Exploration”, in Law and Social Development, 2010, Issue 5. 10)Yanping Qi: “A Probe into the Disciplinary Independence of Chinese Human Rights Law”, in Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2009, Issue 3. 11)Yanping Qi: “30 Anniversary of the Rule of Law: Review, Reflection and Prospect”, in Legal Forum, 2008, Issue 6. 12)Yanping Qi: “The Multidimensional Orientation of Chinese Jurisprudence in the Transition Period”, in China Legal Science, 2008, Issue 2. 13)Yanping Qi: “Legal modernization: a Western ‘ghost’?”, in Tribune of Political Science and Law, 2007, Issue 2. 14)Yanping Qi: “Chinese character, problem and practice of jurisprudence”, in China Legal Science, 2007, Issue 1. 15)Yanping Qi: “Harmonious Human Rights: Mutual Affection between Chinese Spirit and Human Rights Culture”, The Jurist, 2007, Issue 2. 16)Yanping Qi: “The Crisis of the Human Rights Spirit and Its Rescue”, in Science of Law (Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law), 2006, Issue 6. 17)Yanping Qi: “The Knowledge and Life Foundation of Chinese Institutional Tradition”, in Tribune of Political Science and Law, 2005, Issue 6. 18)Yanping Qi: “On Cicero's Rationalist Ideology of Natural Law”, in Legal Forum, 2005, Issue 1. 19)Yanping Qi: “State Responsibility on Human Rights Protection and the Establishment of National Human Rights Institutions”, in Law and Social Development, 2005, Issue 3. 20)Yanping Qi: “On the Construction of Chinese Human Rights Spirit”, in Literature, History, and Philosophy, 2005, Issue 3. |