一、基本信息 |
蔡颖慧,女,汉族,5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载副教授,法学博士,美国西北大学联合培养博士,硕士研究生导师,5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载国际争端预防和解决研究院(IIDPS)院长助理。2010年8月到5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载工作至今,获5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载教学基本功大赛三等奖,多次绩效考核评价优秀。 |
二、主讲课程 |
民事诉讼法,法律职业伦理,司法制度 |
三、社会及学术兼职 |
中国行为法学会执行行为研究会理事 国际商务谈判专业委员会会员 天驰君泰律师事务所律师 |
四、主要学术成果 |
在《法律适用》、《河北法学》、《光明日报》等核心期刊发表论文十几篇,在《Frontiers in Public Health》(ssci 1区)、《Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting》(ssci4区)《justice and law》等英文核心期刊发表数篇英文论文。出版学术专著1部,合著3部,译著1部。 |
Ⅰ.Basic Information |
CAI,Yinhui,female,Associate Professor of Law, PhD in CUPL,Visiting Scholar at School of Law, Northwestern University (USA).Assistant Director of the Institute of International Dispute Prevention and Settlement (IIDPS), Master's Tutor. Since working in Beijing Institute of Technology Law School in August 2010, she has won the third prize of the Beijing Institute of Technology Law School Teaching Basic Skills Competition, and has been excellent in performance appraisal and evaluation for many times. |
Ⅱ.Teaching Course |
Civil Procedure Law, Arbitration Law |
Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise |
Mainly engaged in civil procedure law, arbitration law, evidence law |
Ⅳ. Main Publications and Research Projects |
BOOKS: 1."Mediation legislation research" (AP) China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2008. 2."Proceedings and system frontier monograph" (AP) China Legal Publishing House, 2012. 3."Civil Procedure Law" (AP) Beijing University Press, 2013. PAPERS: 1."Case system: trend or show", Application in law, 2008; 2. "Patterns of Litigation Mediation", Western Law Review, 2010; 3."On the application of the rule of thumb in civil litigation", Evidence Science, 2011; 4. "Forefront of the right of expropriation", Beijing Institute of Technology Law Science, 2012; 5. "Expert witness system in confrontation crisis", Hebei law, 2014 |