一、基本信息 |
罗丽,武汉大学法学学士、京都大学法学硕士、清华大学法学博士。5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载教授、博士研究生导师。最高人民法院环境资源司法理论研究基地研究员、全国人大环境与资源保护委员会《土壤污染防治法(草案)》立法专家咨询组专家。环境保护部《土壤污染防治法(草案建议稿)》起草专家组专家。 |
二、主讲课程 |
环境与资源保护法、环境法前沿问题、环境法案例研习 |
三、研究方向 |
主要从事环境法、能源法、侵权责任法研究 |
四、学术兼职 |
中国环境科学会环境法学分会副主任委员 北京市法学会生态法治研究会副会长 最高人民法院环境资源司法理论研究基地研究员 中国环境资源法学研究会常务理事 |
五、主要学术成果 |
(一)著作 1.中日环境侵权民事责任比较研究(专著,2006年获北京市第九界哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖),吉林大学出版社2004年; 2.环境法教程(主编),法制出版社2014年; 3.新订物权法 我妻荣民法讲义Ⅱ(独译),中国法制出版社,2008年; 4.中国能源法(草案)专家建议稿与说明(合编),清华大学出版社,2008年; 5.21世纪全国高等院校法学教材《民法学》(副主编),清华大学出版社,2007年; 6.物权法(合编),复旦大学出版社2007. (二)论文 1.我国环境公益诉讼制度的建构问题与解决对策,中国法学,2017; 2.我国《煤炭法》修改研究,清华法学,2017; 3.矿山职业安全与健康的监管机制创新——兼论我国《矿山安全法》的修改与完善,中州学刊,2016; 4.Research on the Reform of the Judicial Relief System of Environmental Disputes in China, China's Influence on Non-Trade concerns in International Economic Law(Paolo Farah edited),Ashgate Publishing,2016; 5.Study on Problems and Countermeasures of China’s supervision on Coal Resources Recovery Rate,The 2015 International Forum on Energy Environment Science and Materials(IFEESM 2015); 6.矿山职业安全与健康的监督管理机制创新,中州学刊,2016; 7.论土壤环境的保护、改善与风险防控,5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载学报(社会科学版)2015年; 8.检察院提起环境公益行政诉讼的若干思考,苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2015; 9.生态文明建设和环境保护法治保障体系研究,北理法学2015年; 10.论生态文明理念指导下的环境法体系的完善,环境与可持续发展2014年; 11.日本土壤环境保护法立法研究,上海大学学报(社会科学版)2013年; 12.德国土壤环境保护立法研究,武汉理工大学学报社会科学版2013年; 13.论“共同侵权行为规定”之解释(翻译),清华法学2013年; 14.環境裁判:中国の環境保護専門法廷と公益訴訟の新た展開,日本苍苍社:《中国環境ハンドブク》2011年; 15.再论环境侵权民事责任评《侵权责任法》第65条,清华法治论衡2011年; 16.日本《全球气候变暖对策基本法》(法案)立法与启示,上海大学学报(社会科学版)2011年; 17.论政府在排污权交易市场中的定位,5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载学报(社会科学版)2011年; 18.日本资源物权制度:种类、特色与启示,法学杂志2010年; 19.日本应对气候变化立法研究,法学论坛2010年; 20.日本公害健康被害行政救济制度的启示,环境保护2009年; 21.环境侵权民事责任概念定位,政治与法律2009年; 22.中国环境纠纷司法救济途径研究,法学杂志2009年; 23.韩国《环境政策基本法》研究,环境科学与技术2009年; 24.污染受害获赔困难,凸现我国环境污染救济制度缺陷,绿叶2010年; 25.外国土壤污染防治立法之比较研究,当代法学2008年; 26.国内外与空间碎片有关的空间环境保护立法研究,中国航天2008年; 27.完善我国水污染救济机制的法的思考,环境科学与技术2008年; 28.日本环境侵权损害赔偿制度的创新及其启示,5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载学报(社会科学版)2008年; 29.从日本环境法理念的转变看中国第二代环境法的发展,中国地质大学学报社科版2008年; 30.RIMEDI GIURIDICI IN CASO DI ILLECITI AMBIENTALI IN CINA(The Research on Remedies System for Environmental Tort in China),RIVISTA GIURIDICA DELL’AMBIENTE(Review of Environmental Law)2007; 31.日本环境权理论和实践的新展开,当代法学2007年; 32.环境侵权侵害排除责任研究,河北法学2007年; 33.日本能源政策动向及能源法研究,法学论坛2007年; 34.我国环境NGO的法律问题研究,山东师范大学学报(社科版)2007年; 35.排污权制度论纲(合著),法律科学2007年; 36.环境立法目的之伦理思考,环境科学与技术2006年; 37.日本生态安全保护法律制度研究,河北法学2006年; 38.日本环境侵权民事责任因果关系理论的新展开,中日民商法研究2006年; 39.环境侵权民事责任概念辨析,5845cc威斯尼斯人官网版下载学报(社会科学版)2006年。 |
Ⅰ.Basic Information |
Dr. Prof. Luo Li , Bachelor of law, Wuhan University; Master of law, Kyoto University; J.D. Tsinghua University, is the professor, doctoral supervisor of the School of Law of Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT).she is also the researcher of environment & resources judicial theory research base of Supreme People's Court, Expert of the soil pollution prevention and control law (draft) legislative expert group of the Environment & Resources Protection Committee of the National People's Congress. Expert of the soil pollution prevention and control law (draft recommendations) drafting expert group of Environmental Protection Ministry. |
Ⅱ.Teaching Course |
Environmental and resources protection law; Environmental law frontier issues; Environmental law case study |
Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise |
Her main research fields include environment law, energy law andtort liability law. |
Ⅳ.Academic Part-time title |
Vice Chairman of Environmental Law Branch of Chinese Society For Environmental Sciences; Vice Chairman of the ecological rule of law of Beijing Law Society ; Researcher of Research Base of Environmental Resources Judicial Theory of Supreme People’s Court; Executive Member of Board(directors) of China Environmental Resources Law Research Association; |
Ⅴ.Main Publications and Research Projects |
BOOKS: 1.Comparative Study of Environmental Liability Between China and Japan(Sole author),Jilin University Press 2004; 2.Environmental Law Course(Editor),China Legal Publishing House Press 2014; 3.Wagatuma :Lectures of Real Right Law(Sole translator),China Legal Publishing House Press 2008; 4.Experts’Draft Proposal and Explanation on Energy Law of People's Republic of China((Co-author)),Tsinghua University Press 2008; 5.Civil law(Associate Editor),Tsinghua University Press 2007; 6.Real Right Law(Co-author),Fudan University Press 2007 PAPERS: 1.The Construction of Chinese Environmental Public Interest Ligigation System and Countermeasures,China Legal Science2017; 2.Revising the Act of Coal in China,Tsinghua University Law Journal2017; 3.Research on the Reform of the Judicial Relief System of Environmental Disputes in China, China's Influence on Non-Trade concerns in International Economic Law(Paolo Farah edited),Ashgate Publishing2016; 4.Study on Problems and Countermeasures of China’s supervision on Coal Resources Recovery Rate, The 2015 International Forum on Energy Environment Science and Materials(IFEESM )2015; 5.Innovation of supervision mechanism of Mine Occupational Safety and health, Academic Journal of Zhongzhou2016; 6.On the Protection,Improvement and Risk Prevention of Soil,Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition) 2015; 7.Some thoughts on theprocuratorate filed environmental public interest administrative litigation,Journal of Soochow University Philosophy & Social Science Edition2015; 8.Study on the construction of ecological civilization and the rule of law guarantee system of environmental protection,Jurisprudence of BIT 2015; 9.Improvement on Environmental Law System Under the Guidance of the Concept of Ecological Civilization,Environment And Sustainable Development 2014; 10.A Study on Japan’s Legislation of Soil Environmental Protection, Journal of Shanghai University Social Sciences(Social Sciences Edition) 2013; 11.The Legislation Research on German Soil Environmental Protection, wuhan University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition)2013; 12.On the interpretation of the "Regulations on joint tort" (translation), Tsinghua Law Journal 2013; 13.The new development of China’s environmental protection trial division and public interest litigation, China Environmental Hand Book 2011-2012,SoSoSha Japan 2011; 14.Revisited the civil liability of environmental tort‑‑Comment the article sixty-fifth of "tort liability law", Tsinghua Journal of Rule of Law 2011; 15.Legislation and Enlightenment of Japan s Basic Act on Global Warming Countermeasures, Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)2011; 16.On the Government’s Position in the Emissions Trading Market, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)2011; 17.Analysis About The Types,Characteristics & Enlightenment To China Of Japanese Resource Real Right System, Law Science Magazine2010; 18.A Study on Climate Change in Japan,Legal Forum2010; 19.The Enlightenment to China of Japanese administrative relief system for the Pollution victims, Environmental Protection 2009; 20.A Study of the Concept of Environmental Liability ,Political Science and Law 2009; 21.Research About The Judicial Remedy For China ’s Environmental Disputes, Law Science Magazine 2009; 22.Study on Basic Law of Environmental Policy of South Korea, Environmental Science & Technology2009; 23.Compensation difficulty for pollution victims highlights the flaws of China's environmental pollution relief system , green leaves 2010; 24.A Comparative Study on the Legislations Relating to Soil Protection in Foreign Countries, Contemporary Law Review 2008; 25.A Study on space environmental protection legislation related to space debris, Aerospace China 2008; 26.Legal Perfection of Relief Mechanism of Water Pollution in China, Environmental Science & Technology 2008; 27.Transformation Of Environmental Law Ideology Of JapanAnd Development Of Second generation In Environmental Law In China,Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)2008; 28.The Innovation on Japan s Remedies System for Environmental Tortand Its Revelation to China, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology,Social Sciences Edition, 2008; 29.RIMEDI GIURIDICI IN CASO DI ILLECITI AMBIENTALI IN CINA,RIVISTA GIURIDICA DELL’AMBIENTE2007; 30.A New Study on the Theory and Practice of Environmental Right in Japan, Contemporary Law Review 2007; 31.A Study on injunction of the environmentaltort liability ,Hebei Law Science2007; 32.The research on Japanese energy policy trends and energy law , Legal Forum,2007; 33.Studies on China s Environmental NGO,Journal of Shandong Teachers University(Humanities and Social Sciences) 2007; 34.On Emission Right, Science of Law, Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law2007; 35.Objective of Environment Legislation, Environmental Science & Technology 2006; 36.Legal System of Eco-security Protection in Japan,Hebei Law Science2006; 37.A Study on the Environmental Contributory Infringement Liability ——From Japanese Law , Law Application2005; |